Chapter 3

That night, Maxine was not able to sleep well. Her encounter with the Robbins kept on running through her head. And the fact that she could be a mom—a fake one—in an instant, completely made her wide awake. More than that, she could earn a lot of money if she accepted Stanley’s hard-to-resist offer.

She then sat on her bed and took the calling card Stanley had given her.

“I want to hire you as my daughter’s mother.” His words were on repeat in her mind.

“Oh God, please tell me what to do! Give me a sign!” She screamed as she lay back on her bed.

Maxine was on her own and currently living in a small apartment in Newark, downtown. She makes a little money by being a waitress at a local diner. Although she could survive her everyday life, Maxine couldn’t deny that it was really hard. She sometimes couldn’t pay her bills on time, and sometimes, she needed to starve herself just to make enough money for it. She was a rat and Newark was a big city for her.

And so when Stanley gave her the offer, she knew that she had to think hard about it.

Still lost in her thoughts, she heard a loud bang from her door. “Fuck it, Maxine! Do you know what time it is already?! It’s fucking 2 am! Why the hell are you screaming?!” It was the landlord.

“I’m sorry,” she said in a low voice.

“Open the fucking door and let me throw your things outside! I have made up my mind and you’re out in this apartment!” He was going insane. Maxine couldn’t do a thing. That night, she let the night pass on the street, Stanley’s calling card in her hand.

“I never knew that the sign You would give was like this…” She said as she let her tears fall.

That night, she had made up her mind. Or maybe, it was more like, she was left with no other choice.

Earlier that day, Maxine had decided to call Stanley to let him know that she was accepting the offer. Stanley then gave her a specific time and place for them to meet and talk about the rules Maxine had to abide during her stay. Before that certain time, Maxine went to the local diner where she was currently working and filed her resignation.

Maxine arrived—with all of her things with her—at the restaurant at exactly 4 pm. That time, Stanley wasn’t at the place yet. So, she grabbed the time to fix herself even a little. She was a complete mess.

Maxine was already seated at one of the seats inside the restaurant when she saw a Mercedes Benz parked outside. Her heart started throbbing as she saw Stanley go down from it.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she was in complete panic upon seeing Stanley coming her way.

“Maxine… and the bags,” Stanley said as he stared at the belongings Maxine has with her.

“It was not what you think! I have that because the landlord kicked me out of his apartment last night, not because I was thinking I could already move out to your place! Don’t think of it that way, Sir.” She instantly defended herself which made Stanley laugh a little.

“As you said, Maxine. Why did the landlord kick you, though? Bill problems?” He asked as he looked at the restaurant’s menu.

“He- he heard me,” she paused for a while. “Yes, bill problems.” Then she lied. She thought that telling the truth would be embarrassing.

“Right. So, like what I have mentioned yesterday, I want you to be Heather’s mom for a while. With this, you will be needing to live with us—at our family villa. But since we were strangers, and you would basically work for me, I want you to sign a contract before we got to start anything.” He said as he got the papers inside his suitcase. “Written here were the rules you must abide by and the monthly salary you will get,” he continued as he handed Maxine the contract.

“How about the term? How long would this last?” Maxine asked as she get the contract from his hand.

“That I am not sure yet.” Stanley truthfully answered.

Maxine gave her a short look before reading everything written on the contract.

Contract of Employment:

The following is the list of the DO’S and DON’TS of your employment. Failure to comply with them has its consequences:

1. Heather was your priority. Take care of her, and stay by her side. It will be your fault if something bad happens.

2. Try your best to act normally, especially around Heather. We do not want her to suspect anything.

3. This contract has no specific time on when to end. Signing this means you agreed to be her mom for as long as it was needed.

4. Having a relationship is forbidden. Besides Heather, people around us will also see you as her mother. Seeing you with another person would give our family such a bad reputation.

5. You will act as my wife when needed, especially in front of Heather.

6. You will live in the villa with us, get all the employment benefits, and a salary of 50,000 USD each month.

7. Personal attachment with me is forbidden. I am your boss, you are my employee.

Termination of and any changes to this contract is only upon my consent.

Signed: Mr. Stanley Robbins


Ms. Maxine Ballard


“Fifty thousand dollars each month?” She whispered, yet it was visible in her expression that she was surprised. Maxine didn’t expect it to be that huge.

“Yes, Maxine,” Stanley said as she handed her the ballpen. “Upon signing, I will let one of my drivers fetch you here then to our villa, and you can start immediately. Heather has been looking for you since last night,” he explained.

Maxine got the ballpen, stared at the paper for a while, and nervously signed her name to where it was needed.

“Here, Mr. Robbins.” She said as she handed the papers back to Stanley.

And just by that, her whole life had changed. Who would have thought that she would end up this way? Absolutely, no one.


A few months had passed and Maxine was getting warmer during her stay at her temporary home. Heather was clearly enjoying her time with her making everything easier for Maxine. She didn’t expect it to be this way. She was in fact… enjoying being her mom.

“Mommy! Mommy!” Heather said in a rush. The kid just arrived home from school and in her hand was a couple of paper.

“Baby, why in such a hurry?” Maxine said as she gave ‘her daughter’ a hug.

“Look! I got an A+!” She said as she excitedly showed her art project to Maxine.

“Wow! You’re so smart and creative!” Maxine gladly said. That time, Stanley had arrived at their home earlier than he usually was. And he silently watched the little moment the two were having. It put a smile on his face.

“Was what I heard, right? You got an A+?” He enthusiastically said as he entered the living room.

“Yes, daddy! Look! Mommy had taught me so well that’s why I was able to get this grade!” She happily informed her dad. With that, Stanley went closer to where Maxine was standing and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “Thank you,” he whispered. That made Maxine dumbfounded as if butterflies were dancing in her stomach. She didn’t manage to utter a word.

“Where do you want to go? This calls for a celebration!” Stanley said as he lifted Heather through his arms.

“To McDonald’s!” Heather was fast to answer. It was her favorite fast-food restaurant.

She was such a jolly and sweet kid. That fact made Maxine wonder why her real mother had to abandon her. Yet, she knew that she’ll never know the reason why. Never did she try to ask.

“To McDonald’s, we go! Love, please prepare Heather. I will just change my clothes,” Stanley said as he put Heather down. Before heading to their room—yes, they were sleeping in the same room—he winked at Maxine.

“Okay, love!” She tried to fight the butterflies in her stomach and answered Stanley as naturally as she could. The man had been like that ever since her stay. From time to time, he would call Maxine different endearments such as love, honey, or sometimes, babe. He would also make some sweet gestures toward her. Maxine understood that it was all on the contract, but it was just so hard not to catch butterflies—not when your boss is 6 foot tall, looking like a god.

A few minutes had passed and the three were already at McDonald’s. They literally looked like a small and happy family. Stanley ordered everything Heather had requested—of course, with her favorite sundae and fries. In the middle of their simple celebration and happy conversation, Velma, Stanley’s friend, surprisingly went near their table.

“Stanley?” She suddenly spoke. Heather and Maxine’s attention were instantly shifted to her.

“Velma,” Stanley immediately acknowledged his friend’s presence, trying to avoid certain complications. But complications seemed to like him that much.

“Did you know that Maureen already came back? I thought she was staying in London for good?” Velma said out loud.

Stanley then pulled Velma away from their table. “Please watch your mouth and don’t say her name in front of my daughter. You see them over there? They are my family. Do you understand?” He then said leaving Velma completely out of words.

Stanley on the other side, couldn’t deny to himself that what Velma said had created an impact on him.

Maureen had come back.

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