Chapter 2. Promise

|| Veronica ||

I was sitting in front of my dressing table while my makeup artist was busy styling my platinum blonde hair into a complex bohemian hairstyle.

Even though I was against this engagement, I had to look my best to keep my perfect image, yet there would always be someone to point out my flaws.

I was wearing a light blue princess gown with a sweetheart neckline, highlighting my collarbone. I was putting on my diamond earrings when my manager barged in my bedroom, breathing heavily, giving me the hint that she sprinted her way here.

"Ma'am, you look gorgeous," breathed out Juliette, standing beside me with a file clutching to her chest.

"Oh, really, Ms. Ellinor?" I squinted my eyes at her.

Juliette gulped and played with a strand of her black hair before mumbling out, "I'm sorry, ma'am. My mom fell sick, that's why I couldn't pick up your calls last night."

"How is she right now?" I inquired worriedly, forgetting all about my anger.

"Don't move," instructed my makeup artist, Brianna McConnell, and snapped my neck straight. One of these days I would be seen wearing a plaster around my neck due to Brianna.

"She's well now," Juliette replied to my question.

"Pay the bills through my card like usual," I said.

"But ma'am —"

"Julie," I called her name sternly, glaring at her through the mirror with my deep blue eyes.

Juliette lowered her head and nodded.

"I know that you can pay for her by struggling, but you do so much for me. That's the least I can do for you," I told her softly. Juliette did everything for me, starting from planning my schedule to bringing me water, although she stumbled quite a lot on the way.

A smile bloomed on her face. "You are the best, ma'am," she said.

"Ma'am, what about me? Will you increase my salary since I work so hard for you too?" Brianna butted in.

"I will consider that if I can make my soon-to-be fiancé's breath hitch," I answered, looking at my reflection in the mirror.

"I'm sure you can," Brianna and Juliette said in unison.

After a moment, Sara walked into my room and smiled widely, looking elegant with a v-line pastel gown and her golden blonde hair in a bun. "Everyone has arrived," she announced.

I nodded and stood up. I twirled around, flaunting my gown, before walking out with Sara and Juliette behind me.

The engagement ceremony was going to be held in the big outdoor garden of our mansion. Only close people were invited.

I was doing well in hiding my anxiety over meeting my fiancé after I kissed a complete stranger last night when a maid stopped us and informed me that Aaron wanted to see me in the backyard, alone.

I arched an eyebrow in question. Why would he want to meet right before our so-called engagement?

It kicked up the bucket of my nervousness by a notch. Shit, how am I going to face Aaron?

However, it was the perfect chance to talk him out of this marriage. If worse comes to worst, I would tell him about my blunder last night. He surely wouldn't want to marry a woman who would cheat with him.

I held the edges of my gown and made my way to the backyard, where there was no one but a tall man in a light blue three-piece suit pacing around with his hands in his pocket. My heartbeat started accelerating as I closed the gap between us, the more familiar the person started to seem.

I bit my lips. I felt like a criminal. I must have been out of my mind last night. The worst thing was, I enjoyed that kiss.

What is wrong with me? Why am I making such a big deal out of it? I have kissed so many men before while acting.

Shaking my head, I stepped onto the backyard gazebo, the sound of my heels clicking announced my presence which made him turn around, and finally, our eyes met.

All the unwanted memories from last night flashed in my head. Starting from our conversation to our kiss.

I let out a small gasp since I immediately recognized him from last night.

"Mr. A?" I let out, my eyes widening like saucers.

Holy mother of salads, what the heck? Mr. A is Aaron Aldridge!

Listening to my voice, his green eyes squinted at me, trying to jog up his memory. "Ms. V?" he finally guessed.

"Yes," I replied, still in a daze.

How the fuck did I not recognize that face? I saw him so many times on the business magazine cover before.

Maybe because you were wearing sunglasses at night, answered my subconscious.

However, he was drop-dead handsome in the daylight, not to mention sober, with his green eyes shining like emeralds and his dark brown hair styled perfectly, clearly giving off the cold, arrogant vibe of the businessman I was informed about—the complete opposite of the drunk person I met in the bar.

Shit, if I knew that he was Aaron, I would have told him to back off from this right then. I wouldn't have had to deck up today, either.

Wait, that wasn't important. If Aaron was Mr. A, then he knew that I cheated on him. But he also cheated on me with my drunk self. We both were cheaters. Great.

What the fuck is up with this complex situation?

I was still in shock when Aaron cleared his throat and said, "I don't understand how you didn't recognize me. I mean, your face was covered, but mine wasn't. And wait— didn't you say your would-be husband is a jerk, which is actually me?"

My eyes widened and I snapped out of my trance. "No, I never said such a thing," I lied nonchalantly. I was stupid to blurt out so many complaints to a stranger.

Idiot, I scolded myself.

"Don't you lie. I clearly remember," Aaron responded.

"You were blackout drunk. Your memory must be hazy as hell," I argued.

"I have a sharp memory."

"And so do I." I held my ground, even though I was the one lying. I hated giving up on arguments.

"Well, you don't seem to remember that kiss we shared last night," he retorted.

My cheeks flushed for no logical reason. Why was I getting flustered over a simple kiss? It wasn't even a one-night stand. That's why I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Oh, I do remember clearly, you cheater."

"Really now? I'm the cheater?" He looked at me in disbelief. "Who kissed me back?"

"Who knows? Probably your glass."

"I can't believe you are going to be my fianceé." He shook his head in disapproval.

"I don't want you to be my fiancé, either."

Ugh, I would never want to get married to such a person who will argue with me over everything!

All of a sudden, something clicked between the two of us and we both blurted out in sync, "You also don't want to get married?"

I breathed an air of relief, so did he.

"Call off the engagement," I quickly urged him.

Aaron narrowed his eyes at me. "What makes you think I wouldn't have done it if I could?"

"Then what is your plan to stop this wedding?" I asked, putting a hand on my hip.

Aaron twitched his lips, a thoughtful expression taking over his face. "Why don't you run away on the wedding day?" he suggested blankly.

I formed my hands in a cross in front of me and said, "No way. It will spoil my reputation. My fans will say I'm irresponsible for running away from my wedding."

"Then, what do you want? Shall I run away?" he asked sarcastically.

An idea lit up inside my head. I smirked and took a few steps closer to him and let out, "That is a nice idea, indeed."

"No way in hell. My mom and Sara will run me over with a car," he reasoned out.

"Now, look. I get that it's something that means a lot to our moms because it was a promise made by our dads, but we need to think about ourselves. We both are not interested in getting married, least to each other," I explained calmly. "The best way is for you, the groom, to run away."

Aaron thought for a while before nodding his head. "You are right. If my bride were to run away, I would lose face as well. I can handle the issue by making up some other story."

"Great," I chimed. If Aaron didn't arrive on the wedding day, I would be able to convince my mom, and my fans would also take sympathy for me. "So, is this a promise?" I asked, forwarding my fist for confirmation.

He looked at me strangely as if I was asking for the secret details of his company from him. "It's a promise," he replied and skeptically bumped his fist with mine, which made a bright smile take over my face.

"I hate promise-breakers, so you better not betray me," I added.

"Aaron Aldridge never goes back on his word."

"But for now, let's proceed with the engagement ceremony, Mr. A." We needed to put on a convincing show so that no one would doubt our plan.

"We… still need to do that?" he asked.

I nodded and went forward and wrapped my arms around his, making him release a sigh.

"Fine, have it your way."

We made our way to the outdoor garden in the perfect sunny weather where the guests were waiting.

A big smile bloomed on the faces of my mom and Aaron's mom, Elise Aldridge. Our mothers were good friends as well since the two of them were businesswomen, my mom being the owner of a transportation business, and Elise being a chain hospital owner.

"Are you two ready for it?" asked Sara, an excited grin on her face.

Aaron and I nodded and made our way to the aisle. Sara and her husband, Stephen, brought the diamond rings in two golden palettes. Although engagement ceremonies like this were rare nowadays, it was a must-follow custom of my family.

I put up the best smile I could muster and looked at Aaron who flashed me a perfect fake smile as well, displaying his dimple. Being an A-list actress had its perks as I could always detect what kind of a smile someone was giving.

Aaron took my left hand in his while every pair of anticipating eyes were on us—even the attendees were more excited than me about this. I didn't invite the paparazzi because I was initially intending to break off this engagement, so the lesser people, the better.

I held my breath as Aaron was about to slide down the perfectly cut beautiful diamond ring through my fourth finger. Just as the ring crossed my fingernail, his cell phone rang up and he immediately let go of my hand, which made the crowd go 'oh, man!' in disappointment while my jaw was hanging open, being dumbstruck.

Wow, he has the guts to keep his cell phone on during his engagement. How fucking rude! No one leaves Veronica Wilshire hanging.

"Hello? Of course, I know the paper signing can't be done with me. Yes, I'm coming right now," Aaron said over the phone, a little too excited for a simple contract signing. He slipped the phone back in his pocket and turned towards the people. "I have an important work," he announced and shoved the ring in my hand before marching down from the dais, making everyone gasp in horror.

Really, what a big difference alcohol made within a person. He was so open and even kissed me, but now he even had a problem with putting a ring on my finger.

As he disappeared from my vision, I released a sigh.

"Poor Veronica."

"Oh, that poor girl. She must be so heartbroken right now."

"I want to give her a consolation hug right now."

I heard people chattering and a smile evolved on my lips which I tried to restrain and pretended to be sad, but on the inside, I was ecstatic. It was exactly what I wanted. People would take sympathy for me after my groom would run away just like today.

I held the edge of my gown and was about to walk down the aisle faking a few tears when I heard a few attempts of protest. "Let me fucking go!"

I turned my neck in that direction to find Sara dragging Aaron back here by his hand forcefully. "You will not leave until you make my sister wear that engagement ring," Sara declared.

"I have an important meeting to attend," Aaron protested.

"Whatever losses that shall be incurred will be paid by me, and I don't see how a work of ten seconds can make you late for anything. Make her wear that ring and go wherever you want," Sara lectured and pushed Aaron towards the dias while I watched the tom-and-jerry scene unfold with wide eyes.

Aaron scowled at Sara and fixed his necktie before briefly meeting my eyes. He cleared his throat and took the ring that he had shoved in my hand earlier, grumbling, "Your sister is a piece of work."

I was still trying to process what was going on when he quickly slid the ring across my finger and was already on his way out.

"And who will wear your engagement ring?" Sara hollered.

"I have done enough. You can do that for me," Aaron hollered back, disappearing from everyone's sight.

There was a belated burst of squeals and congratulations as the people awkwardly realized that Aaron and I were finally engaged. They said they couldn't wait for the wedding which was two months from now. Well, I couldn't either.

A man so disinterested in me that he tried to skip out on our engagement in front of everyone, I wondered what he would do on the wedding day. He ought to run away, right?


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