Chapter 3. Betrayal

|| Veronica ||

Today was the big day.

The most important day of my life, or it's supposed to be. It was merely an occasion for me where I had to be the apple of everyone's eyes and pretend to be the damsel-in-distress whose groom eloped.

However, it all depended on Aaron. I left everything in his care and remained relaxed for the whole time.

The last two months have been full of fun for me as we went crazy shopping. I loved shopping more than anything. After all, I was the type of person who never wore the same dress again, except the home PJs. And with all the beauty treatments I received on my mom's order, my age had lessened by a year and my face was literally sparkling.

I never met up with Aaron after he disappeared from the engagement ceremony that day. He was supposed to come for bridal outfit selection, venue observation, flower, and card selection, but he never showed up, saying he had important work. It was understandable, considering he was a self-established businessman, who was also a self-made billionaire.

After all those chaotic moments, right now, I was standing in front of the full-length mirror, checking my gorgeous reflection. I was wearing a luxurious white mermaid gown that hugged my curvy figure perfectly, having a deep cut in between my cleavage, along with an extensive lacy cape. My hair was tied in a loose bohemian bun with a diamond beaded crown on my head, which was a family heirloom of mine.

"You look stunning, honey," complimented my mom, tears glistening in her dark blue eyes.

I hugged her and patted her back, saying, "Don't worry. I won't go away from you."

Mom broke the hug and said, "You have to go away. From now on, your husband shall be your everything, and you shall dedicate yourself for his happiness."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "It's not the 18th century, Mom. It's my own life, why should I dedicate it to someone else?"

Mom smiled and caressed my cheek. "You will understand that once you fall in love."

"Then, I hope I never fall in love," I responded, flashing her a tight-lipped smile. "By the way, isn't Sara supposed to come?" I diverted the topic as Mom opened her mouth to lecture me again.

"No, she informed me at the last minute that she will be coming as the groom's side," Mom replied.

I pouted as my favorite cousin would not come from my side. Sara was the closest to me out of all, my best friend, because she has lived with us for the most time since her diplomat parents were always traveling around due to their work. Now, she was a criminal prosecutor and the wife of a multinational corporation president.

"Ma'am, everything is arranged," Juliette informed us.

"I will go ahead," Mom said and went away.

My lips curved in a smirk and I sat down on the chair, crossing my legs. I knew that I wouldn't be called to the wedding aisle since the groom wouldn't even arrive, that's why I would just chillax.

Juliette arched an eyebrow seeing me. "Ma'am, can I ask you a personal question?" she asked, and I nodded. "You were so adamant about not getting married, then what caused you to be so enthusiastic about it all of a sudden? Did you fall in love with Mr. Aldridge after meeting him?"

I chortled. I wondered if everyone thought that I had fallen in love with Aaron which caused me to change my decision. "If I share a secret with you, Julie, will you keep it with yourself?"

"Of course, ma'am. Cross my heart, I will never tell anyone," Juliette replied.

"I won't get married today," I announced.

"Oh, my gosh, ma'am, are you planning to run away? The agency directors will fire us," Juliette gibbered.

I laughed and said, "I won't, but my groom will."

She gasped. "But if he doesn't come, then—"

"Yes. Aaron won't come, and I won't get married. All good. I won't even have to go to the aisle today. Though it's a shame since I dressed up so prettily," I told her with a giddy smile on my face. “Click some beautiful pictures of me though, okay?”

Juliette nodded her head half-heartedly. To pass time, I started talking to her about the film project we were taking on.

"Let's go," said Uncle Peter, Sara's dad, once he entered the bridal chamber.

The only announcement of his arrival was a descent of absolute silence before I stood up and let out, "What?"

"Why do you seem shocked? You have to come to the aisle with me. Now, hurry," he urged.

"But —" I cut myself off as to not create a blunder.

What's happening? I thought in panic.

Wait, is Aaron going to break the wedding alliance right at the aisle in front of everyone like those movies? Or are they taking me there because he didn't come? Yes, that must be it.

Before I had the chance to organize my thoughts, I was already on my way to the church doors. I slid my hand around Uncle Peter's arm since I had no brother or father except him.

I inhaled and exhaled quite a few times, preparing myself to gather the pity I was going to be given by the people. The paparazzi weren't allowed inside, only close friends and relatives would be present.

Finally, the doors were open and I started walking through the aisle runner with Juliette holding my veil from behind and the guests hooting in encouragement. My eyes were set on the expensive fabric I was on walking on, too afraid to look up at the altar.

I didn't want to face the reality but eventually, I had to, and somewhere in my heart I knew what awaited me when Uncle Peter asked me to come with him—what awaited me was a fucking betrayal.

As I raised my head and gazed at the altar, I found my soon-to-be husband standing there with a forced smile on his handsome face, dazzling in his black tuxedo, his hair brushed flawlessly.

How quickly my trust in him turned to hate as if I never even doubted him. Hatred and contempt burned through my body as if it could turn my heart to ashes, more than anything I wanted to turn back the time and go back to that day we made a promise and undo that.

I bit my teeth, still maintaining a bright smile on my face while my eyes threatened to sprinkle a few teardrops. My vision was hazy due to the tears gathering in my eyes, which people thought were tears of happiness, but I knew that those were the tears of having been deceived by the person I was about to call my husband.

I was a gullible fool, indeed. I took him at his word only to get deceived.

Once I reached the altar, Uncle Peter placed my hand on Aaron's cold ones and backed down while I climbed the stairs of the altar and stood facing Aaron.

His green eyes held no remorse, rather I felt like they were mocking me for believing him, to begin with. With a hatred that burned my soul at that moment, I don't think I could ever expect to be happy with him.

Even though my throat felt dry as the pastor started reciting verses from the bible, faking a smile at each other, I managed to question him, "Why did you deceive me?"


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