Chapter 2. Secret


Dean didn't let me leave the house the previous night. He insisted I stay. I obeyed, foolishly thinking that he would regret his decision and apologize.

However, Dean left the house with his driver. Dean went to see the traitor Carla. Would he spend the night with her? Would Dean make love to her?

I touched my belly, crying. I felt powerless. I looked at the contract on the table. I haven't touched it since last night when I read its rules: he stipulated we would no longer have a legal relationship and that I had to leave the house.

He offered me over 50 thousand dollars for me to go away. His money would never heal my wounds. I felt betrayed and humiliated. Dean got me pregnant and stabbed me in the back. How is it possible for a werewolf to reject his mate?

My parents would blame me when they found out the truth. I know they would be angry and ask me what happened. I ruined my family's reputation. Divorce in my family is an aberration. My ancestors never experienced a divorce.

Everything would be worse when they found out I was pregnant. Why did Dean fall in love with Carla? Many werewolf men from the pack were in love with me! The women envied my beauty. The men desired me. But the man I loved left me for my best friend.

I swore to Dean that he would regret it. I would show them prove to him and Carla that they made a grave mistake.

The cook knocked on the door of my room. Now it's the room of Carla and Dean.

"Hello. What do you and the Alpha desire for breakfast?" she asked.

"The usual. I'll eat alone. The Alpha isn't home."

I could barely eat. I felt very unwell. I felt dizzy, and suddenly, I lost consciousness and fell to the floor.

I don't know how long I was unconscious, but when I woke up, the mansion's maid was by my side, looking worried. We were in a hospital room.

"Amanda, what happened?" I demanded to know. I felt dizzy.

"You fainted, Luna," she replied. "I called the Alpha to come to the hospital, but he didn't respond to my earlier calls."

At that moment, Amanda's phone rang. "It's the Alpha," she announced and answered the call.

I wanted to tell her not to answer, as I didn't want Dean to know about my fainting. Still, I felt curious. Would Dean be concerned about me?

"Mr. Dean! I apologize for calling you so many times. Luna has fainted, and we're at the hospital! Doctors have run medical tests, and we're waiting for the results."

"I can't right now. I'm busy, Amanda," I heard Dean respond. And I heard a woman's voice. He was with Carla.

"But sir... your wife..."

"She's no longer my wife," Dean concluded.

Amanda looked at me, and I felt deeply embarrassed. "Leave me alone, Amanda," I ordered, and she obeyed.

Once again, I felt humiliated. I cried until my doctor arrived in the room. I wiped away my tears.

"Lena," the man spoke. He was my trusted doctor and a close friend of my father's.

"What has happened to me, doctor?"

"I'm afraid I have bad news, Lena. It's about the baby," he said gravely.

"What? Have I lost it?!"

"No, but you have a risky pregnancy. You are also at risk, Lena. Your body is weak. I don't know if your body will support two babies."

"Two babies? No, doctor, you're mistaken."

"No, Luna, you'll have twins. Where is Dean? He needs to know about this."

"No! It's just that he knows nothing, doctor. I beg you, please don't tell my family, not even Dean," I pleaded.

I demanded to be seen by another doctor. The most experienced gynecologist in the hospital came to attend to me. She applied gel to my belly and asked me to look at the screen.

"Do you see this sac here?" she pointed at the screen. "Those are two babies. Congratulations, Luna! You're having twins! But we need to take good care of you. You're weak."

A divorce. Two twins. I wanted to have many children. But I couldn't help feeling sad about the divorce.

"Is there a risk of losing them?"

"Yes. You could have a miscarriage. It's important. I need you to attend all your medical appointments and take lots of vitamins."

"Please, don't let the news spread through the hospital! No one should find out."

"It's for the best. We will keep the pregnancy a secret."

There's a curse that lingers among werewolves. It's a rumor. When a werewolf rejects their Luna, a curse will fall upon her. I've never heard of such a thing happening because I've known no one who would exclude their Luna. I was the first rejected Luna in my lineage.

"Have you heard of the Moon's Curse?"

"Are you referring to the curse that falls when an Alpha rejects their Luna? Yes. I've heard that it's a deadly curse. Luna never survives the rejection of an Alpha. The curse kills her."

After that response, I left the hospital alone. I walked to the river where Dean proposed to me. Over a year ago, he and I planned a life together, and now he was sleeping with someone else.

My heart squeezed. I regretted not telling him about the pregnancy when I called him last night. Maybe he would have changed his mind and never asked me to sign the divorce papers.

I had to go to the company. Some important documents were in my office, next to the Dean's office. I didn't want to see Dean as I was furious with him, so I had to be quick.

An idea crossed my mind. Telling Dean about our babies might cause him to reconsider his decision. But I decided not to. I arrived at the company and stepped into the elevator. I walked towards my office, but I stopped before entering. The door to my office was slightly ajar. I never left it open.

I heard murmurs and laughter. Carla and Dean were in there.

"I love you, Dean!" Carla exclaimed in her high-pitched voice. My heart squeezed.

"I love you too, Carla," he responded.

It was torture to see Carla and Dean together. And now I had to endure them being in my office?

"I'm glad you and her got divorced. Lena is crazy and a bad person. She never gave you a baby. You've waited over a year for her to give you an heir. I promise you it will be different for me. I'll have as many children as you want, Dean," she assured.

I could hear with my heightened hearing that Carla kissed Dean. Rage consumed me. I entered the office and glared furiously at both of them.

"What on earth are you doing here?!" I demanded to know.

Carla was sitting on Dean's lap, and he was stroking her hair. Carla smiled when she saw me and hugged Dean.

"This isn't fair. Get out of my office!"

I divorced Dean, but that didn't give him the right to allow Carla to be in my office. I unconsciously touched my belly. My nerves were affecting the pregnancy.

"You're no longer my Luna," he replied.

"Maybe I'm no longer your Luna, but this is still my office."

"Mistake. It's my office now. You can't be here anymore because the company belongs to Dean."

Could Dean take away my job?

"Are you going to leave me without a job, Dean?"

"I've offered you money. You will not be on the streets. But you can't come to work here. This office belongs to Carla," he said. Carla smiled.

Tears escaped my eyes. I felt like a fool. I wanted to scream at them, but I didn't have the strength. I left the office and ran inconsolably through the hallways. The employees were looking at me like I was crazy. But I didn't care.

They've taken everything from me! Anguish, pain, and desperation consumed me. I didn't even have the patience to wait for the elevator. I carefully descended the stairs to avoid falling. My eyes were full of tears.

I heard a woman's heels hitting the floor, but I didn't bother to see who it was. I felt a sudden shove in my back. I lost control of my legs and tumbled down the stairs. I didn't lose consciousness as the fall wasn't severe, but I needed to go to the hospital.

My babies! I had to think about them.

I looked up. It was Carla who had pushed me.

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