Chapter 3. The Painful Rejection


Carla smiled. "He's mine. Your babies won't ruin my relationship with Dean, bitch. You better leave and never tell Dean the truth." She turned around and walked away.

What? How did she find out?! That's why she pushed me! Carla wanted me to lose my babies! She left me there, lying on the floor, beaten and sad. Oh, God. What if something happened to my babies?

I wanted to go after her and tell Dean what his manipulative girlfriend had done to me, but it was pointless. He would never believe me.

I took a taxi and went back to the hospital. The doctors checked on my babies and said they were safe, but I needed to be more careful. I headed towards the hospital exit. Many pack doctors saw me there for the second time. I didn't want rumors to spread within the pack.

I returned home, utterly disheartened. It was time to leave. Dean wanted me gone today. Carla would move into the house today or tomorrow. I packed the essentials for survival and kept a few photographs from my wedding with Dean.

I noticed the smile Dean had on that day. He said he never loved me. But I swear I believed he did. I know I made my ex-husband happy.

I must leave soon. I never thought the most beautiful chapter of my life would end like this. I had nowhere to go. Dean didn't tell me where I could stay. So, I called my mother and asked if I could stay with her and Dad for a few days.

"Did something happen?"

"No, nothing, Mom," I lied, touching my belly.

"How's Dean? Have you been fighting?" my mother asked.

"No, Mom," I replied. I wouldn't be able to keep the secret for much longer.

I hailed another taxi. I was on my way to my parents' house. Mom and Dad were waiting for me in the living room. They both looked at me with anger.

"You lied to us, Lena! I called Dean to ask if everything is alright between you two, and he told me you've divorced! Has never happened in our family!" my dad lashed out.

"I-I..." I didn't know what to say.

"When were you planning to tell us, Lena?" Mom used a calmer tone, but she was also upset.

"Dean asked me for a divorce. He's fallen in love with another woman! He ended our marriage! He rejected me as his Luna! Dean will formally reject me soon."

"Has the pack rejected you?" my father asked.

"No. Dean said I can be part of the pack. But I don't want to. He and Carla are going to get married and have children. I won't stay to witness their love story. They have stolen my life."

"This cannot stand. Who does Dean think he is to deceive you? Don't you dare leave the pack, Lena! He is your mate. You can't give up. Win him back."

No. Not anymore. I didn't want to lose my dignity any further. I loved Dean. I swore he loved me, but his lies and the divorce showed me I never mattered to him. He wouldn't come back to me, not even for our children. He took his love away from me so I would take his children away from his life.

"No," I stood firm, "Dean has decided, and I also decided. I won't lose my dignity over a man."

"Then leave this house. I don't want you here," my father's words surprised me. Did he kick me out of the house?

"Are you throwing me out?"

I thought about my children. I had nowhere to go. Dean had left me on the streets.

"Yes! Go!" he ordered.

My husband had abandoned me. And now my father was kicking me out of the house.

I looked at Mom. I thought she would support me, but she didn't. If my parents wouldn't let me stay with them, I would have to ask Dean for the money soon. I would have to rent an apartment somewhere to survive. I packed my bags and left the house. My life turned into chaos overnight. I didn't want to do it, but I called Dean, crying.

"What, Lena?" he answered. That hurt. He had always been affectionate when answering my calls.

"I want my money soon. I've already signed the divorce papers," I demanded.


"Reject me as your Luna soon so you can happily start a new life with Carla," I mentioned.

Dean remained silent for a few minutes. "We'll do it tonight. At 10. At home."

I hung up the call. Dean didn't falter. His decision to distance me from his life remained intact. It was killing me.

Dean transferred my money to my bank account. I used the money to rent a room for a night in a hotel.

When the night arrived, I dressed in black for the disappointing occasion: my rejection as Luna.

Dean sent a taxi to pick me up. He didn't send my driver. From now on, I would have to get used to living a life with fewer luxuries. I refused to get into the taxi. I wanted to walk to the mansion but couldn't exert myself too much because of the pregnancy.

I got into the car, and within minutes, I was at Dean's house. I entered using the key because I still hadn't returned it.

Dean didn't change the lock. I heard voices in the library, so I headed there. Dean and Carla were looking at me. Carla drew a smile on her face.

"I want her to leave. It's between you and me, Dean," I requested.

"I'm not going anywhere," Carla denied, wrapping her arm around Dean.

"Carla," Dean looked at her. He had a cold expression. "Lena is right. It's between her and me. It's best if you leave us alone."

Yes! If Carla stayed, she was going to enjoy my pain.

Carla didn't like the response. She looked annoyed at Dean. Carla walked past me, bumping her shoulder into mine.

I bit my tongue to avoid insulting her. Dean scans me with his gaze. I do the same with him. The Alpha looks so handsome in his black suit. His blue eyes stand out. My heart tightens in my chest. I don't want my Alpha to reject me. I feel foolish for hoping that he would tell me he regrets it. We were supposed to build a happy family together.

"Don't stay silent. Let's finish this once and for all," I demanded.

I thought I saw the anguish in Dean, but his gaze suddenly darkened.

"As you wish."

I acted cold like him. I held back my tears. I would not shed any more tears in front of him.

"I, Dean Clark, Alpha of the Pure Blood pack, reject you, Lena Max, as my Luna and mate."

It hurt. I want to cry, but I won't. It was up to me to give my response to end all of this. Maybe Dean expected me to beg but was mistaken.

"I, Lena Max, former Luna of the Pure Blood pack, accept the rejection of Alpha Dean Clark," I announced firmly.

It's official. My chest ached, as did my stomach. I had heard of the pain caused by your Alpha rejecting you as their Luna, but I never thought it would hurt this much. The pain in my abdomen increased, and I worried about my babies. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping the pain would disappear.

"You have accepted, Lena." Dean's expression was no longer stern.

I think he thought I wouldn't accept it. Our bond broke. The pain was the consequence. Dean walked towards me.

"You're free, Dean," I said before my vision darkened.

I tried to grasp onto the library sofa, but I couldn't. My body fell, but I didn't hit the floor because Dean held me in his arms. He protected me.

We looked at each other one last time.

Then I fainted.

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