Chapter 3

Madelyn, with her son, was driving to the Logans’ house.

It was Sunday, and Madelyn wanted the marriage as quickly as possible.

Henry didn’t tell Maya about it. He couldn’t bring himself to tell her.

Madelyn couldn’t help but smile. Her plans were working; Henry had been quiet and obedient, and she hoped the Logan family had talked to their daughter because she didn’t want anything to go wrong.

This was her ultimate plan to get rid of Maya.

Audrey, Henry’s wife-to-be, was easy to control, unlike Maya.

They went to the house. It was a big duplex painted in white, but it was not as big as the Sebastians’ mansion.

They got out of the car while their driver parked.

Mrs. Logan was already outside waiting for them. She gave Madelyn a hug. “Welcome,” she said.

“Thank you, “Madelyn said, smiling. “This is my son, Henry,” Madelyn introduced Henry to Mrs. Logan.

“I can see that. He takes after his mum’s beauty. Henry, nice to meet you. I’m Audrey’s mum.”

Madelyn blushed at Mrs. Logan’s statement.

Henry didn’t say a word.

Mrs. Logan was embarrassed.

“He is stressed from work. That’s why he is quiet,” Madelyn said, smiling.

“Oh, I can imagine. Please come in,” Mrs. Logan beaconed them.

Henry went in with his mum. The house was a big and beautiful one.

He studied the surroundings. At least he wasn’t getting married to a ‘pauper girl.’

The Sebastians were welcomed nicely in the Logan house. They ate, drank, and talked.

Henry was enjoying the moment, especially when he and Audrey’s dad talked about the country’s economy and business.

Madelyn and Mrs. Logan were discussing fashion and their kids’ wedding.

With all this going on, Audrey was kept in her room.

When it was time for business, both families discussed marriage and how beneficial it was to them.

Henry didn’t see what he was gaining by marrying the Logans, but Madelyn pressed him into signing the documents.

After signing it, Henry requested for his bride to be brought before him.

He was curious about her though he did some research about her overnight.

It was difficult finding her as Audrey was a private person, but he did through her dad’s mutual friends.

Mr. Logan signaled to his wife to get Audrey. Mrs. Logan excused herself and left. She went upstairs to Audrey’s room.

“Sweetie, open the door. It’s time to see your groom’s family,” Mrs. Logan said.

There was no response.

“Audrey, open up,” Mrs. Logan knocked again.

No response.

“Audrey?” Mrs. Logan tried opening the door, but it was locked.

She hit the door severely, trying to open it with her strength, but she couldn’t. She called Audrey’s number, but her phone was switched off, and she panicked. She went downstairs, excused her husband from the gathering, and told him.

Logan couldn’t believe what she was saying. “We saw her this morning. She ate breakfast with us.”

“Yes, but she isn’t responding. Her door is locked, and her phone is switched off.”

“Maybe she is sleeping,” Logan said as he made his way to Audrey’s room.

“Audrey dear,” Logan called out as he knocked on her door.

There was no response.

He knocked again, this time harder still the same result.

“Don’t bang too hard. The Sebastians will hear.”

“Call Sarah for me,” Logan shouted at his wife.

Mrs. Logan went to look for Sarah. Sarah was Audrey’s maid. She was closer to Audrey than her mum.

“Sarah, Sarah,” Mrs. Logan called out, searching for her.

“Ma’am?” Sarah answered from the laundry room.

Mrs. Logan grabbed her. “Where is Audrey?”

Sarah was surprised at her mistress’ reaction.

“I said, where is my daughter?” Mrs. Logan asked again.

“I have no idea. She was in her room. I left her there to weed the garden,” Sarah answered.

“I don’t believe that. You better tell me where Audrey is, or you lose your head. Did you conspire with her to humiliate me and my family?”

“No, ma. She was in her room.”

“Get me the spare keys to her room, now!” Mrs. Logan yelled.

Sarah ran to get the spare key. She got the key and took it to Audrey’s parents.

Logan opened the door and saw that Audrey wasn’t in her room. Her room was locked from the inside; she wasn’t in her room, and her phone was on her bed.

“Look, the window,” Mrs. Logan said, pointing to the window which was opened, and there was a curtain tied to it.

It dawned on them that Audrey had run away.

Mrs. Logan panicked; Madelyn would kill her.

Logan was angry that Audrey couldn’t humiliate him in front of his in-laws.

“Did she run away?” Mrs. Logan asked, shaking visibly.

“Are you blind?” Logan shouted at his wife.

“OMG! We are gone. What do we tell Madelyn and her son?” Mrs. Logan fell to the ground.

“And you, shouldn’t you be watching her, where were you?” Logan roared at Sarah.

“I’m sorry, I left to weed the garden and do the laundry,” Sarah apologized on her knees.

“That’s a lie. I’m sure you planned it with her,” Mrs. Logan called out.

“No, ma, I will never do that. I left her in the room. She was talking to Ryan on her phone before I left.”

“You say what?” Logan asked.

“She was with Ryan on the phone.”

“That bastard,” Logan cursed.

Logan phoned Ryan’s line, but it was switched off.

“That fool!” Logan clenches his fist.

“If I saw him, amma kill him, how dare him?”

“So you are suggesting Ryan ran away with Audrey?” Mrs. Logan asked. “What do we do? We already signed the papers, and Henry had wired the money into our accounts. This is a disaster!”

“Have you called Octavia?” Sarah asked. “She is Audrey’s best friend. She might know about it.”

“You just shut up. You should be watching her, yet you left to tend to nonsense. I’m sure you plotted this with her. Dear, call Octavia,” Logan said to his wife.

Mrs. Logan contacted Octavia, who picked up the call immediately.

“Thank goodness,” Mrs. Logan said.

“Hello, ma.”

“Hi, Octavia. Do you know of your friend’s whereabouts?”

“Audrey? No, I thought she was meeting Henry today.”

“Yes, Henry is here, but Audrey isn’t. She disappeared.”

“That’s not good. Did you try calling her?”

“We did. Her phone is in her room.”

“Oh, my God. What do we do? Let me dress up. I will try looking at some places she might be, starting with Ryan’s house.”

“Please do, thank you,” Mr. Logan said.

“Don’t mention it, ma.”

“Okay, we will be expecting your call,” she said and hung up.

“What did she say?” Logan asked impatiently.

“She will look at Ryan’s house and some places she might be.”


A servant entered. “Ma, sir, the guests are calling for you.”

“Shit!” Logan cursed.

“What do we tell them?” Mrs. Logan asked.

“Let’s go downstairs first and act normal,” Logan said, leaving.

“You, what are you doing here? Follow us. Since you couldn’t keep her, you take the blame,” Mrs. Logan said to Sarah.

Sarah bowed and followed Mrs. Logan downstairs.

Downstairs, Madelyn was visibly angry. “You left for a long period, keeping us waiting,” she said.

“Oh, we are sorry, Madelyn,” Mrs. Logan said, trying to embrace her, but Madelyn pushed her.

“Where is she? Where is your daughter?” Madelyn asked.

There was no response.

Mrs. Logan stayed behind her husband, shaking.

“Mr. Logan, where is my son’s wife?” Madelyn asked.

“She… She was in her room… Room,” Logan stammered.

“Then bring her out!” Madelyn shouted.

Madelyn read Logan’s body language and suspected something must have gone wrong.

No way, there was no way this was going wrong. This was her plan to get Henry into her hands.

She had to get rid of Maya using Audrey; she invested a lot in this, and nothing was going off.

Madelyn skimmed through her hair. “I will ask you again, where is Audrey?”

“We don’t know. She was in her room, but we can’t find her,” Mrs. Logan said.

Madelyn laughed. “Hahaha.” She couldn’t believe her ears. “You can’t find your daughter? Are you stupid?” She screamed. “Logan, you couldn’t even put your house in order. Are you a man?”

Mrs. Logan wasn’t pleased with the way Madelyn talked to her husband. Her husband was far older than her.

“You people are a scam. You made us sign the papers and wired the money, but you refuse to produce our wife. I think I will get the police involved.”

“No, please don’t. She probably went out to get something,” Logan pleaded.

“Shut up! Are you kidding me? Want to get something when her groom is around?” Madelyn shouted.

“Please, don’t scream at my husband, have some respect,” Mrs. Logan said.

“Respect my foot, you filthy tramps. Aren’t you her mother? Why isn’t she here? OMG! What type of household am I marrying into? A dishonest one?” Madelyn asked rhetorically.

“You should have stayed with her,” Mrs. Logan said to Sarah.

“And who is this?” Madelyn asked, looking at Sarah.

Henry was getting impatient. He wanted his bride.

“Where is Audrey? Bring me my wife!” He yelled for the first time.

He was mad at the embarrassment the Logan family caused him and his mum. He knew something was off about the family.

“She is Audrey’s personal maid,” Mrs. Logans said.

Madelyn slapped Sarah hard on her face. “Why weren’t you doing your job?” She shouted.

Everyone was shocked by the slap.

Sarah fell to the ground, holding her cheeks. “I’m sorry, ma,” She pleaded.

Madelyn took a deep breath, trying to control her anger.

“Logan, you better do the needful, or I do it myself, and if I do it, there will be blood,” She said, hissed, and left.

Henry stood up. “Logan, bring me my wife, or you will be a guest in the police station for fraud,” He said and left.

Mrs. Logan was angry with the way Henry addressed her husband. “That spoiled brat, how dare he?”

Meanwhile, in the car, Madelyn was fuming seriously, while Henry was happy. He was glad things didn’t go as his mum planned.

“How dare they? Do I look like a play to them?” Madelyn fumed.

“Is it the way I laughed with them? What gives them the audacity to trick me? Me, Madelyn! Ahh!” She screamed.

Henry burst out into laughter.

Madelyn turned to her son. “You think it’s funny? You are laughing, huh?”

Henry couldn’t help but laugh more.

“Sorry, Mum, but you are more pretty when you are angry.”

Madelyn rolled her eyes.

“Especially when you move your nose upward; it’s so funny,” Henry said, laughing.

“Just shut up, shut up, or I will…” She faced the driver. “And you, why aren’t you driving? Why are we still here? You want to lose your job?” She yelled.

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