Chapter 3. Unfit to Rule


Jacob didn’t invite me for breakfast, but my mother knocked on my door with enthusiasm. The king had ordered my family to stay and live in the castle; they were my family, after all.

“Dove,” she called out.

Clarisa smiled and opened the door; we were starting to get along pretty well.

“Honey,” my mother quickly entered the room and hugged me. “How are you? Did you get a chance to rest?”

“Yes, yes,” I replied, still drowsy. “Is it time for breakfast?”

Clarisa beat me to it.

“The grand dining room is at your disposal; you will be having breakfast with the Queen Mother and Lady Katherine.”

“And my husband?” I asked. My mother almost had a heart attack.

“His Majesty never has breakfast with anyone; they just bring his food to his room.”

I sighed; I was about to run to see him, but I knew it would be too much. I nodded, and we went to the great hall; I didn’t have much spirit. I wanted to talk alone with my mother and see my little sisters. There was so much I wanted to do besides fulfilling my social duties.

The two women were already sitting, barely trying the amount of dishes that were there. I recognized the Queen Mother, Leticia, and I assumed the younger woman was Katherine, the widow of the king’s brother.

“What a late time to arrive,” said Leticia when we arrived and took a seat.

“I’m sorry,” my mother apologized, wanting to be impeccable above all.

Leticia didn’t even bother to look at her. Katherine looked at me with terrible disdain.

“But it’s no surprise. It’s clear that none of you have good manners,” she continued; the woman was merciless. “My son is lucky he can’t see you.”

“He can see me,” I corrected; my mother stepped on my foot so I would stop answering.

Leticia made a disgusted face at my attitude. “He’s my son, dear. I think I know enough about him,” she began to tell me, with a higher voice tone. She was upset.

“He told me; it’s not that I made it up,” I smiled with kindness and served myself breakfast. Hunger was preventing me from arguing.

“It’s not true,” Katherine spoke up with a sad voice. “Jacob doesn’t talk to anyone.”

I smiled; he did talk with me, even if it was little. But I wouldn’t tell them; it would be my little secret.

“Calm down,” Leticia said to Katherine, looking down at me. “These people will soon be in servitude; that’s where they really belong.”

“We’ll see about that,” I said, not staying silent against her disdain.

I stood up abruptly, almost running away. I didn’t want to see the faces of those harpies anymore. My explosive character would make me say anything that came to mind; it was dangerous to stay there. If I was going to act in any way, I had to think well and have a clear head.

A voice interrupted me from behind. “His Majesty calls you.”

I recognized his voice; Lionel was behind me.

“Really?” I looked at him incredulously; it was something new.

“Yes, he said he has to talk about a very important matter.” Lionel had a serious face; apparently, something serious had happened.

I feared the worst; a thousand things went through my head at the same time. Negative thoughts kept me in constant despair. The witches of his family hated me, the rejected fiancée too. I kept adding enemies in my new home. What if he had regretted getting married? He could want to separate or something like that… I didn’t know what to think. It was my first day at the castle, and everything looked bad. I couldn’t contain myself for long.

“Hey…” I asked Lionel desperately. “Why does he call me?”

He remained serious, so I guessed that the problem was serious.

“His Majesty did not tell me,” was his short answer, which left me with a thousand more questions.

“But is he angry or something like that?”

He did not answer me, but the answer was obvious. He never differentiated if the king was angry or happy because he was never in any other state than in an absolutely serious state. I remembered when he smiled when I was in his room; there was something more in his heart that only I could see. He needed me, I knew, and at the same time, I also wanted him.

“Did he say anything bad about me?” I insisted.

He resigned. “I don’t know; I’m sorry for not having asked, Majesty.” Lionel was beginning to lose patience.

“Did you hear the scandal?” I wanted to know; I was embarrassed by what had happened in the great dining room.

He nodded, as always, with respect. That was the newest thing for me, to hear people call me majesty and make bows to me.

“Do you know anything about the Queen Mother?” I asked, trying to play the role of a friendly and pleasant daughter-in-law. “I would like to know about her to try to win her over…”

“No, I am the king’s guard.” Lionel looked at me strangely; my way of being confused him. “She has had problems with His Majesty.”

“You appreciate him, don’t you?” I looked at him attentively; I felt the same devotion for Jacob that Clarisa did, and I noticed it instantly.

“He is a good man; he has only made some mistakes…”

We arrived at the king’s bedroom, where our conversation was interrupted. Lionel left, leaving me even more intrigued. What had he wanted to say with mistakes? Was he a murderer? I couldn’t look him in the eyes with that fear. Of all the rumors that existed about him, the worst was about his cruelty.

I entered the room cautiously, with a bit of fear in my eyes. His light brown hair contrasted with his sky-blue eyes, covered with a layer that prevented him from seeing easily. He looked out the window, occupied with a book in his hands. He looked imposing standing there, the sun’s rays illuminating his interesting face, and his seriousness continued to drive me crazy.

I approached slowly until he noticed my presence. However, he did not say a word when he noticed me.

“Good day,” I greeted so that he would have to answer me. Anxiety was killing me.

“Good morning,” he replied, with a severe forehead and his eyes focused on the outside.

I sat in the chair, trying to break the tension that always formed between us.

“What did you want to tell me?” I asked with all my courage in front. Maybe it would be the end of my stay in the castle, and I would return to poverty.

“I’ve chosen better…” He continued to stare fixedly at the horizon without noticing my nerves.

The world stopped at my step; he had chosen Esther. After thinking it over, he realized that I was a bad match; he would kick me out on the street, or worse, he would kill me, as the rumors said. A storm was brewing in my head. People were right; I couldn’t be a queen. I was just a beggar.

“I’ve thought it over. I believe I’ve made the best choice…”

The time was echoing in my ears; I looked at my dress, so beautiful and yet simple, but something unattainable in the past. It lasted so little, that luck and good fortune, that enigmatic and attractive gentleman. My hopes were fading.

He turned to look at me head-on, which made him realize my nervous and sad eyes.

“I’ve decided that you’ll sleep on the side of the bedside table,” he said with a serious demeanor as if he were giving a death sentence. “I think it will be more comfortable for you, and I don’t like the light that comes in suddenly through the window on that side.”

That was like a breath of fresh air in the middle of the desert. My joy was uncontainable. Without thinking twice, I fell on him and kissed him without him being able to see it. He was surprised, but he continued, even took me by the waist again and then caressed my neck. His touch made me see stars.

“I didn’t think it would make you so happy.” Jacob returned to his usual severity, not paying much attention to that sudden kiss. It was something natural; I was beginning to love our game of going and coming in that passion that wanted to escape.

“You have no idea.” I went to bed and lay down, letting out another sigh of peace.

I had thought a storm inside me, and in the end, it was all an exaggeration. I chuckled, which apparently caught his attention.

“You’re a very strange person,” he said, approaching me a little. He tried to focus on me; it was difficult for him, but he always managed. I loved when he did that; it was very attractive to me.

“Is that the way to speak to a lady?” I smiled, shaking my head in disapproval. I made him smile again.

“Excuse me.” He bowed; he was very well-mannered. “I’m not used to people like you.”

“People who aren’t royalty?” I asked, focusing on the bed’s carved edges; it was truly beautiful.

“People who truly laugh,” he replied, being sincere. I saw him shrug and go back to his spot to continue reading.

“I have one last question,” I dared to say, with my heart on my sleeve, as usual.

“Tell me.” This time, he looked at me more kindly; he was softening.

“Can I have breakfast with you?” I asked, with a smile on my face. I didn’t want to go back with those women I couldn’t stand.

“You’ve fought with my mother,” he guessed immediately after hearing me. That made me smile again; there were too many for just one day.

I nodded.

“She won’t leave you alone,” he warned me.

“Doesn’t she want me to be the queen?” That annoyed me; the woman had a sinister and perverse look.

“Not at all. She’ll want to kill you soon.”

His words gave me terrible chills.

“But why?”

“Because she doesn’t want me to be the king either,” he replied, breathing calmly, not wanting to startle. There were too many emotions for him in one day for someone used to the shadows.

“So, what will we do?” I asked, disturbed. It was like being in a minefield full of enemies.

“We’ll win,” he said and got up. He took my hand and, just like at my wedding, he kissed it.

At that moment, I thought I was floating, and everything was a dream. Nevertheless, it was real. We were there; he had kissed my hand, and minutes before, I had kissed him. Our relationship was openly improving with our secret game.

And everyone in the castle was waiting to finish us off.

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