Chapter 3

Benny poured some milk into Bella’s cereal and handed the plate to the little girl, who began scooping it almost immediately. It was a Saturday morning, and the day after, she’d begun working at the company.

She’d lost her peace since discovering that Aiden Turner was her boss. Just when she’d made up her mind to move on from her past by starting on a fresh note, her past had come knocking again.

She looked at Bella—a product of her bitter past. A girl without a father and a girl who was just beginning to have some stability in her life. Benny thought of quitting, but that would be foolish. She’d gone through a lot to get this job. It wouldn’t be easy to find another high-paying job. Plus, she couldn’t burden Greg anymore. That would mean stepping on Laila’s toes. And she had Bella to consider. She could finally give her daughter a good life.

There was a knock on the door. She quickly walked to it and opened it. Greg was standing before her.

“How are you, Cassie?”

His blond hair fluttered at the gentle stretch of the morning breeze.

“I’m good.”

He didn’t seem as worried as he was during the dinner. He walked in.

“Greg!” Bella said excitedly and left her cereal to hug him.

Benny smiled. Greg had become the only and most important male figure in Bella’s life. The little girl loved him so much. And from time to time, he took her out to play with other kids or to lick some ice cream. Benny had made him Bella’s godfather.

“So, how was your first day at work?” he probed.

She wanted to say that it was horrible, that the man who’d hurt her was her boss, and that she wanted to kill him.

“I’m still settling in,” she said instead. “But my first day was good.”

“All right. Just know that I’m here for you no matter what.”

Benny forced a smile.


Aiden Turner asked for a cup of coffee shortly after he arrived at work. Benny was already seated at her desk, replying to some of his emails.

She prepared some coffee for him and headed to his office. A thought came to her head, and there was no camera in sight. Acting on it, she spat into the cup of coffee and let on a wicked, evil smile.

She pushed open the office door and walked in.

“Here is your coffee, sir.” She happily handed it to him and watched him sip some. He deserved it, and even worse. He deserved to suffer.

The cup slipped from his hand, splashing the coffee on the floor. Benny pretended to be sorry for him. She quickly rushed to clear the slivers of broken glass. At least he’d tasted some of it, she thought.

As soon as she was done, he said thank you.

“That’s not necessary, sir,” she said. “It’s part of my job.” She despised how polite he’d been since she started working here. He deserved nothing but pain.

“I know. I just love appreciating what others do for me, and it doesn’t matter whether or not I pay them for it,” he said.

“So, thank you, Miss Moss. I appreciate how energetic you’ve been since you started working here.”

Since when? Since when did he become this kind-hearted, grateful person? She fumed. He was evil and had always been evil.

“You can go,” he said but stopped her as she was about to leave.

“What else do you need, sir?”

“My birthday party is next Thursday, and you’re invited,” he said.

His birthday party, of all things? The nerve!

“Well, I don’t think I can make it, sir.”


“I have a kid and don’t have the right dress to wear for your event.”

“That’s not a problem,” he said.

“You can bring your child. I’ll tell Mrs. Delta to get you a suitable dress.”

Benny swallowed hard.

“The venue is my house. Mrs. Delta will handle your transportation to the place.”

She nodded as she didn’t know what else to say.

She returned home and gave the invite a serious thought. She couldn’t take Bella to Aiden’s event. Never! She would beg Laila and Greg to babysit her. Gosh! She so badly wanted to quit this job.

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