Chapter 4

A few weeks later, as Maya was standing alone with Max and watching people come and go from different directions, she made a statement that surprised Max.

“So, I have been talking to a psychologist for a while now,” Maya said, touching her hips gently. “I don’t think I had an encounter with the Moon Goddess.”

Max looked at her, feeling slightly surprised. “What do you mean by that? You told me that the Moon Goddess was the one who was responsible for bringing us together. Why the sudden change of heart?”

Maya sighed for a moment and looked Max in the eyes. “I don’t want to say that I saw the Moon Goddess because, according to my psychologist, those things aren’t real. They are just fairy tales that they tell people to keep them in the dark.”

Max sighed again as he rubbed his chin gently. “And, who is this psychologist of yours? I would love to meet him.”

“I’d rather not disclose his name,” Maya replied, her gaze drifting from Max to the bustling crowd. “But he’s helped me work through some things, and he’s making me question some of the beliefs I used to hold.”

Max raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. “So, you’re saying you no longer believe in the Moon Goddess and her role in our story?”

Maya nodded, her expression serious. “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. It’s been liberating, actually. I’ve been able to think more clearly and make decisions based on reality, not some mystical force.”

Max scratched his head, unsure of how to respond. “But Maya, you were so convinced before. Remember that night we sat under the stars, and you told me about your dreams and how they led you to me?”

Maya’s lips curled into a small smile. “I do remember. And those were beautiful moments, Max. But my psychologist helped me understand that sometimes our minds create patterns and connections that aren’t actually there. It’s a coping mechanism, a way to find meaning in chaos.”

Max let out a deep breath. “I suppose I can understand that perspective. It’s just strange to think that something that felt so real to me might have been a construct of our minds.”

Maya’s hand found its way to Max’s arm, her touch comforting. “Hey, I’m not saying that what we have isn’t real. I still believe in our connection, in our feelings for each other. It’s just that I’m learning to untangle the threads of what’s genuine from what’s a product of my imagination.”

Max nodded, his fingers unconsciously intertwining with Maya’s. “I guess it’s healthy to question things, to reevaluate what we think we know. But it’s also a bit unsettling.”

Maya chuckled softly. “Change usually is. And you know, I’m still here with you. We’re still sharing this moment, regardless of whether the Moon Goddess brought us together or not.”

As they stood there, a warm silence settled between them, and it didn’t take long before Maya’s phone buzzed in her pocket, and she pulled it out to read a message.

“It’s from my psychologist,” she said, her eyes scanning the text. “He wants me to try an exercise—something about reimagining the story of how we met.”

Max arched an eyebrow. “Reimagining? What’s that supposed to achieve?”

Maya shrugged, slipping her phone back into her pocket. “I’m not entirely sure. But he thinks that by reshaping the narrative, I might gain new insights into the reality of our relationship.”

Max chuckled softly. “Well, that sounds like an interesting experiment.”

“Yeah,” Maya agreed. “And you know what? I think I want to give it a try. It can’t hurt to explore different perspectives.”

Max smiled, his eyes reflecting a mixture of fondness and curiosity. “I’m with you, Maya. Whatever helps you make sense of things.”

Maya’s psychologist’s suggestion lingered in her mind over the next few days. As they sat in their favorite coffee shop, Maya stirred her latte thoughtfully.

“So, Max, let’s try this exercise. Let’s reimagine how we met.”

Max leaned back in his chair, intrigued. “Alright, how should we start?”

Maya tapped her chin, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Well, instead of a starlit night, let’s say it was a rainy afternoon. I walked into this very coffee shop, soaked from head to toe. You were sitting by the window, engrossed in a book, and I accidentally slipped on the wet floor and crashed right into your table.”

Max burst into laughter. “Okay, I can picture that. The clumsy meet-cute, got it.”

“But here’s the twist,” Maya continued, her voice playful. “You didn’t notice me at all. We didn’t have any cosmic connection. You simply offered me a napkin and made a joke about my impeccable timing.”

Max raised an eyebrow. “No cosmic connection? That’s sacrilege.”

Maya laughed. “I know, right? But just imagine, in this version, we got to know each other over a series of ordinary, everyday conversations. No grand destiny, just two people getting to know each other.”

Max leaned in, a mock-serious expression on his face. “But Maya, how could we possibly fall in love without the Moon Goddess’s intervention?”

Maya’s smile softened. “Well, maybe we fell in love because we found comfort in each other’s company. Maybe it wasn’t destiny, but a choice we made.”

Max nodded, a contemplative look in his eyes. “I guess there’s something beautiful about that too. Choosing each other, regardless of any mystical forces.”

“I like this version,” Max admitted, his gaze gentle. “It feels more relatable, more human.”

Maya nodded in agreement. “Yeah, it’s refreshing to see our story from a different angle. It reminds me that what we have is special because we’ve built it together.”

As Maya and Max continued talking about Maya’s current perspective of their relationship, Maya’s friend, Emilia, came and took Maya’s hands gently.

“Permit me to borrow Maya for a second,” she informed Max, who willingly agreed.

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