Chapter 2. The House Party

The screeching of tires and the loud honking of the truck filled the air. Maddie braced herself for the impact, her whole body tense with fear. Jacob’s reflexes, dulled by alcohol, were too slow to react in time. The car swerved wildly, but just as it seemed like they were headed for a deadly collision, Maddie acted on pure instinct.

“Jacob, stop the car!” She screamed, her voice piercing through the haze of panic.

Miraculously, her voice cut through Jacob’s drunken stupor. His eyes widened in sudden clarity, and with a desperate twist of the wheel, he managed to swerve the car to the right. The truck blared past them, narrowly missing their vehicle by mere inches.

The force of the swerve sent the car spinning, but Jacob managed to regain some control, and the car skidded to a halt on the side of the road.

The car was now still, but Maddie’s heart pounded so hard in her chest as if it would burst. She could barely breathe, the adrenaline coursing through her veins. “Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t,” She muttered to herself like a mantra, tears freely falling from her eyes.

She turned to look at her boyfriend, who was panting heavily, his hands white-knuckled on the steering wheel.

“Are you okay?” She asked, her voice trembling.

Jacob did not answer for a few seconds before a smirk slowly corrupted his lips. He looked at her and chuckled freely. “Sh*t, that was epic. Wait until the guys hear about this.” He laughed.

Maddie could not believe what the guy had just said. If they were going to die, it was going to be his fault and here he was, saying this. She was pissed at him and could feel the hate for him boiling in her bones.

But she could not do or say much. She knew the temper he had was not to be messed with. So she forced a smile as more tears fell from her eyes.

The guy started the car once more and they were on their way. He was driving much normally now but Maddie’s heart was still thumping in her chest. After a few moments, he finally brought the car to a stop in front of a house.

It was a house party and Jacob wanted Maddie to be with him. She was attractive and smart, not like the other girls, and definitely not someone he would ever let meet his parents but still, she was manageable.

He knew that she was trash, and her bloodline was trash. He would never defile himself by marking her. That was a mistake he would never make, plus, it was not like he did not have other girls on the side that he was seeing. Maddie was just a plaything to Jacob.

“We could have died,” Maddie decided to say something, she needed to say something. She opened the door of the car, getting down. She often asked herself why she was with someone like him but she knew the answer, she wanted a better life; she wanted to be marked before her birthday.

“But we didn’t,” He replied nonchalantly while shrugging after he had gotten out of the car. “Stop being a p*ssy and straighten your hair, you’re about to meet my friends. Maybe.” He chuckled under his breath.

Maddie furrowed her brows. “You never told me that before leaving, and I honestly don’t want to be at a house party right now,” She confessed. Maybe it was the adrenaline still coursing through her but she felt a bit bold.

She was standing next to his sportscar that they had almost died in. Yeah, Jacob was rich. He was one of the high-class werewolves in the town. Maybe that was one of the reasons why Maddie did not want to leave him, he brought her a sense of financial stability.

It had been a month since she had been with the guy, and since then, she had never had to worry about money. She was no longer wearing her old raggy clothes, he had bought her a lot of beautiful new ones, even though most of them were really sl*tty.

At the Omega House, all they were given there were their basic needs, and that alone, so she needed Jacob.

They all went to the same high school. As an omega, that was a big thing, especially when she was the only omega going there. The only reason that was possible was because of the scholarship that she had been given at a young age.

That was one of the perks of living in the Omega House, all the residents there were given scholarships.

Highwoods was not the only fancy school in the town, but it was the fanciest. It was where Nate Thorn went. Who was this guy? This was the Alpha of the pack, one of the hottest if not the hottest man this town had ever seen.

He was perfect and had everything life had to offer. He had power, wealth, influence, and so on. The list went on and on, he was the package deal.

“Maddie, stop f*cking around and let’s go. You look nice, is that what you want to hear?” He scoffed before rolling his eyes rudely. He started walking towards the house, the sound of the music blaring.

It was night and the moon sat in the sky. The night was cold and what Jacob had chosen for her to wear was really revealing, causing goosebumps to rise on her arms every time the wind brushed against her skin.

Maddie was wearing a black crop top and short denim jeans that sat almost under her butt. It was not her style of dressing, but she had this habit of hers, she would always let the guys she dated dress her however they pleased.

She would always let them decide what she wore, and in return, it made her feel like she was theirs like they were never going to leave her, and would eventually mark her.

But little did Maddie know that the night was about to f*ck her up in the worse possible way possible; in the worse way imaginable.

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