Chapter 3. W**d

Maddie took in a deep breath, and followed Jacob towards the house, her nerves tingling with a mix of dread and resignation. The thumping bass of the music reverberated through the night, growing louder with each step.

As they approached the door, it swung open, revealing a crowded room filled with laughing, dancing people. Jacob sauntered inside, immediately greeted by a group of guys who clapped him on the back and offered him more drinks.

Maddie did not think that it was a good idea for him to keep drinking, especially after what had almost happened but she really did not have much saying in it. She simply trailed behind, feeling out of place and exposed in her revealing outfit.

She could feel the eyes of other party-goers on her, some appreciative but a lot judgmental.

“Yo, Jacob! You made it!” One of his friends shouted over the music, handing him a beer.

Jacob smirked and took a swig. “Of course I did. And look who I brought.” He gestured toward Maddie, who managed a weak smile.

“Nice to meet you,” She said softly, trying to be polite despite the discomfort gnawing at her.

Jacob’s friends looked her up and down, their expressions ranging from amused to predatory. Maddie felt a shiver of unease but forced herself to stay calm.

“Hey, Maddie, right?” A tall guy with shaggy hair and a leather jacket asked. “Jacob talks about you all the time.” There was an amused look in his eyes.

“Does he?” Maddie asked, glancing at Jacob was now engrossed in a conversation with another friend, completely ignoring her.

“Yeah, says you’re a real catch,” The guy said with a grin that didn’t quite reach his eyes.

Maddie nodded, unsure of what to say. She looked around the room, hoping to spot a friendly face or find a way to just blend into the background without talking to anyone. She knew that half of the people here hated her because she was an omega, so what was the point of trying to fit in?

She would have left if she had the choice but she did not. She knew that if she did, her boyfriend would surely break up with her and right now, she could not afford it.

Just then, someone touched her shoulder. “Maddie, is that you?”

Maddie turned around and instantly recognized who it was. It was her best friend. Her name was Sia. She was one of them, one of the rich kids. Her house was like a mansion and she had everything that life had to offer.

She even knew how to shift into her wolf and had a special trainer who worked with her specifically for that. Maddie envied the life of her best friend, a life she knew she would never have.

It was a bittersweet feeling to be friends with someone like her.

Maddie’s lips curled into a smile as she stared at her best friend. “Sia,” She said in a soft tone, the music drowning her voice.

“No way,” Sia exclaimed, flipping her pink hair. “There’s no way you’re here, did you get dragged here against your will or something?” She asked, humor lacing her tone.

Maddie chuckled as a heavy feeling sat in her chest. “Actually, yeah. Jacob made me come.” She gestured to the other side of the room. “He’s right there…” But she could not see him or his friends anymore. “Oh, he was right there, I swear.”

Sia shrugged. “Well, that does not matter. Come on, let’s go have some fun!” She grabbed Maddie’s hand and began to drag her away.

Maddie allowed Sia to lead her through the throng of dancing bodies, the heavy beat of the music pulsating around them. She felt a slight sense of relief in Sia’s presence, hoping that being with her friend would make the night more bearable.

They found a spot on the dancefloor, and Sia immediately started moving to the rhythm, her carefree energy infectious.

“Come on, Maddie, let loose a little!” Sai encouraged, her bright smile lighting up the dim room.

Maddie tried to relax and let the music take over, moving her body awkwardly at first, but gradually finding a rhythm. Sia’s enthusiasm was contagious, and for a moment, Maddie almost forgot her worries.

Just as she was starting to enjoy herself, a guy with slicked-back hair approached them, a sly grin on his face. “Hey, ladies, having a good time?” He asked, his voice smooth and oily.

Sia eyed him up and down, then leaned closer to Maddie. “This is Darren. He’s cool, don’t worry,” She whispered, but there was a hint of something else in her tone.

“Yeah, just trying to have some fun,” Sia replied loudly, smiling at Darren.

The guy nodded and then leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “You know, I have got something that can make the night even more fun,” He said, pulling out a small baggie filled with some green stuff which was obviously w**d.

Maddie’s eyes widened in shock and fear. “No, thank you,” she said quickly, shaking her head. “I don’t do that stuff.”

“Oh, come on, Maddie,” Sia said, rolling her eyes. “It’s just a little something to help you relax. Don’t be such a goody-two-shoes.” She chuckled gently, still moving her body along with the music.

Maddie felt a knot tighten in her stomach. She knew she shouldn’t, but the pressure from Sia and the desperate need to fit in and escape her troubles for a while was overwhelming.

“Sia, I don’t know…” Maddie hesitated, looking at the small baggie Darren was holding.

“Trust me, Maddie. It will make everything better. You deserve to have some fun for once,” Sia said, her voice coaxing and persuasive.

Maddie bit her lip, torn between her instincts and the desire to please her friend and escape her current reality. She glanced around, seeing the carefree faces of the other party-goers, and felt a pang of longing to be like them, even if just for one night.

“Alright, fine,” She finally gave in, her heart skipping a beat.

“That’s the f*cking spirit!” Sia cheered, pulling Maddie into a quick hug before turning to Darren. “Hook us up, dude.”

After Darren prepared the w**d, Maddie took a hesitant drag from the j**nt, and almost immediately, the room seemed to close in around her, and the faces of the party-goers twisted into eerie, grinning masks, leaving her feeling as if she had just stepped into a nightmare she could not wake up from.

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