Chapter 3. Alone (2)

The stretcher stopped, and I saw a nurse approaching with a syringe.

"This is to help with the pain, alright?" she said, carefully pulling my arm and injecting the liquid.

The pain gradually subsided, but the fear remained.

"My baby! Please save my baby!"

"The doctor is on the way."

It didn't take long for a doctor to enter the room and sit next to me, already manipulating a large machine by their side.

"Okay, I'm going to take a look at your baby now, alright?" she asked, and I just nodded nervously.

The pain had subsided, thanks to the universe and the medication they gave me, but the fear I felt was immense, causing my chest to ache with anticipation.

I couldn't lose that baby; it was my baby, my precious one.

She lifted my shirt and poured a cold liquid on my belly. Then she took a device that I assumed was for the ultrasound and began moving it around.

"What's your name?" a nurse next to me asked, possibly filling out my medical record.

"Song JaeMin."

"How many weeks are you?" the doctor asked without taking her eyes off the screen. I still couldn't look. I was afraid that my baby might not be alive anymore...

That thought made my chest ache, and a tear rolled down my face.

"S-sixteen," I said, feeling a lump forming in my throat.

She paused for a second, looking at the screen in silence, and then looked at me.

"Your baby is fine, Mr. Song," she smiled. "Stay calm. Have you seen him yet?"

With a relieved heart, I shook my head, turning around to see a tiny little human being on the screen.

"He's still very small, 11 centimeters," she moved the cursor over the black and white image of my little baby. "See this? The little arms and legs?" She moved the device over my belly, and the baby seemed to respond, moving restlessly, waving its arms and legs without a formed rhythm.

I smiled, enchanted by the image.

He was still so small, but my heart was melting for that little piece of human being inside me.

She paused the image for a second, jotting something down, and then clicked and a rhythmic sound played.

I opened my eyes, feeling tears welling up, ready to burst in joy.

"This is the..."

"...the heartbeat of your baby, Mr. Song."

I smiled, listening to the sound of the little heart beating being reproduced, and I cried like crazy. That was the most beautiful, perfect, and reassuring sound I had ever heard.

In that moment, I only thought of LinHyun and how he was missing out on each of these unique moments and sensations.

While the doctor continued with the examination, I looked at her and after much thought, I decided to ask:

"Can you see the baby's gender yet?"

She smiled and moved the device a little more.

"This little one seems shy now," she said, and my gaze went to the screen, showing him very still. "See this?" she pointed again. "The legs are crossed."

I nodded, already understanding that unfortunately, the gender wouldn't be possible to find out, but the relief in my chest, knowing that my baby was fine, was immense.

She put away the equipment she was using for the examination and moved the chair, sitting in front of me.

"Mr. Song, your baby is doing great, eleven centimeters, seventy-nine grams, and the limbs seem well-formed, but what happened today cannot be ignored. You had bleeding due to a small placental displacement. At sixteen weeks, this is quite rare and very dangerous. So I will ask you for complete bed rest."

"Could that harm the baby?"

"Yes, it could. Your uterus is still adapting to what's inside it. A cis male pregnancy can be a bit more complicated. But your body will keep the baby safe if you take care of yourself, understand?" I nodded, looking at her. "So I will ask for complete bed rest. You can't even think about doing anything with too much physical effort, as it could lead to a miscarriage or premature birth, and we don't want that, do we?"

I nodded again, mentally noting everything that was being told to me.

"I work with painting, I'm an artist... Does that mean I can't paint until the baby is born?"

"No, you can, as long as you don't exert yourself and don't stand for too long. The essential thing is for you to stay relaxed. No stress or effort."

I nodded, thanking her.

"You'll have to stay here today for observation. But I'll let the young man who's waiting for you know that he can come in."

"The young man?"

"Yes, he's outside.

"But..." I didn't even know what to think or say, but I knew I needed to thank him. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

She smiled, bidding farewell and leaving.

A few minutes later, the young man entered.

I hadn't really noticed his face before, probably because I was in terrible pain and screaming like a madman, consumed by the fear of losing the only thing I had left in that city. But now, seeing him up close, his face is young and scared, but very handsome.

He entered somewhat timidly and stood by the side of the bed.

"Thank you for helping me," I said.

He smiled shyly and nodded.

"Are you and your baby okay now?"

"Yes, we're fine," I caressed my belly, looking at it and smiling. I quickly remembered the image of the little being growing inside me. "Thanks to you."

"I... I was really scared," he scratched his neck and smiled. "Really scared. But now... I'm glad and relieved that you're both okay."

I nodded, looking at him. He seemed restless, and since we didn't have much more to say, an awkward silence followed.

"Do you... Do you want me to call someone for you?" he asked. "The father or the... mother of the baby, maybe?"

"No, there's no need. It's just the two of us, we'll be fine," I said, staring at my little belly. "We'll be discharged tomorrow."

He nodded and looked at me silently for a few more seconds.

"Well, um...," he said, laughing and raised his hand towards me. "I apologize for the manners. My name is Junkoo. Lee Junkoo."

With his hand extended towards me, I realized that my bags with the baby's things were in the other hand. He even took the time to collect them.

"Pleasure to meet you, I'm Song JaeMin," I shook his hand back, introducing myself properly.

He smiled, showing his prominent teeth. I smiled at the resemblance he had to a rabbit. He looked like a really cute bunny.

He cleared his throat, slowly releasing my hand.

"So... I have to go."

"Ah, okay... If there's any way to thank you for your help, I would be really grateful."

"No, it's fine..."

I nodded to Junkoo, but he still stood by my side.

"Um... I know it's none of my business, and I don't know you... But, the doctor told me a bit about what happened to you... I think she assumed we knew each other or something," he smiled, showing his rabbit-like teeth again. "But... Do you have someone to pick you up? I mean, she mentioned that you'll need absolute rest and shouldn't exert yourself at all."

"Ah..." I smiled awkwardly at the guy. "I'll be fine. Tomorrow, I'll call a taxi to take me home... It's okay."

"Well, if you want, I can pick you up... I would be happy to know that the guy I helped is doing well, and the baby too, of course."

Okay... He's a stranger offering me a ride. My mother had always taught me never to talk to strangers, let alone accept a ride... But what about when the stranger saves you?

I was surrounded by people in the city center, but only he helped me. Does that mean he's a good person? Maybe an angel...? I don't know, but I think so... But still, I declined.

"I don't want to bother you," I smiled politely. "But I really appreciate it."

"Oh, it's no bother at all... Tomorrow, I can pick you up and safely take you home."

Okay, he insisted... Should I accept? Maybe not. But his smile is so cute... Okay, that has nothing to do with the ride offered, but he looks like a good guy.

I thought for a long moment until I had an answer.

"Alright then," I said softly, feeling somewhat shy, but the guy gave me such a beautiful smile that I'm almost certain he heard the response he wanted.

"So, I'll pick you up tomorrow, okay?"

I nodded, smiling, and observed him more closely. He must be around 19 or 20 years old, not older than that.

"Until tomorrow," he said, moving away.

"Until tomorrow."

I smiled politely at him, and I received one last smile accompanied by a wave goodbye.

As soon as the guy left, I laid my head on the pillow and took a deep breath, feeling an overwhelming tiredness over my body, probably due to the medication I had received.

Still looking at my belly, I gently caressed it and decided to have a little conversation with the little baby inside.

"You scared me today, don't do that again, please," I sighed. "Even though it was my fault... I was afraid of losing you, little one."

I continued the dialogue with my baby, and in that hospital room, all alone, I saw who I had by my side.

And I only had my baby.

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