Chapter 4

I was stuck on bedrest for the next few days. Nocturne stayed with me the entire time, watching as Raymond’s personal healers tended to me. At times, I felt awkward when it was just the two of us. I did not have much experience with women and had no idea what to talk about when it was just us.

“Raymond told me earlier that the estate will be ready by the time you are fully healed.” Nocturne said, absentmindedly.

“Oh, that is good news.” I smiled. I knew my smile did not hide the anxiety pouring off me. Nocturne looked at me with a blank expression. She was very good at hiding her emotions. It was quite difficult to get a read of what she was thinking from just her facial expressions. She sauntered over to me and plopped down at the edge of the bed.

“Why have you been anxious every time I bring up the estate?” Nocturne asked with a slightly annoyed tone.

“I apologize, my lady. It is just that I was raised as a poor mage. While I have experience handling the nobles, I cannot say I am well-versed in their lifestyles.” I explained.

“But why do you worry? In my experience, those born into poverty usually jump at the opportunity to live a life of luxury. Yet, it makes you anxious.”

“My anxiety is because of you.”


“Our contract was made on the promise that I would serve you. That I would guide you through this world…” I sighed. “…how am I to guide you through a lifestyle I have no experience with?”

“Ha.” She laughed lightly. “Why do you worry about such a thing? I will find use for you, do not fret.” Nocturne stood up and patted my head like I was her pet dog. “Your skill at handling nobles is enough for me. I have thousands of years of experience living in the world of nobles. I doubt I will have any trouble adjusting to the noble lifestyle of your empire.”

“I see.” I pouted as she pulled away and walked over to the balcony. I saw her eyes flash with golden light.

“Hmmm.” She seemed lost in thought for several minutes. I decided not to disturb her and instead turned to the pile of books that were piled next to my bed. Being stuck in bed without my magic really sucked. I was stuck reading books Marvin had brought me. All of them were about immortal beings and all that we knew about them. Which was not a lot. I wished Nocturne spoke more about herself with me. She was very guarded and seemed to have great mistrust for humans.

“I guess I cannot blame her after what she went through…” I mumbled to myself as I remembered what she said about a mage who had sent her back to the underworld. Everything that Marvin and I had found about her was positive. I did not understand why she was sent back to the underworld if she was as benevolent as the ancient texts claimed.

“Pardon me, my lord and lady. We have brought your lunch.” One of the palace butlers announced as he entered the guest room. Nocturne did not turn to greet him, but I felt the need to show my gratitude.

“Thank you.” I smiled at the butler.

“Of course, my lord. Please ring the bell if you need anything else.” He said before he left. I sighed and started to get out of my bed. I was stopped by a surge of magic that trapped me underneath my blankets. I looked at Nocturne in annoyance as she used her powers to set up our lunches. She set up mine on my bed, and hers at the small café table that was on the other side of the room.

“I do not need to stay in bed to eat.” I reminded her. “The healers said I can eat at the table now.”

“I do not care what those mortals say. You will do as I wish.” Nocturne said in a matter-of-fact tone. Then she looked at me with a sad expression. “What if you get hurt again?” She asked in a tone of innocence. “Would you truly risk leaving me behind just to get out of being stuck in bed?” I could see tears filling her golden eyes. I scowled at her.

“I know you are trying to manipulate me so it will not work.” I told her as I started to eat. Her face returned to a neutral expression and any sign of tears vanished as quickly as they appeared.

“I do need to practice.” She commented.

“I do wish that Raymond had not told you that women of the empire use the art of manipulation to get what they want.” I sighed in frustration.

“I can see that your empire has issues with women having power.”

“Th-that is…!” I exclaimed. Nocturne looked at me with a smirk.

“I shall destroy this bias of yours. You will learn that women are quite capable, and I will continue to enjoy making you uncomfortable as I change your views.”

“I do not think women are incapable! They are just as capable as men! So I do not understand why they use such tactics to get what they want.” I said.

“The answer is quite obvious.”

“Oh, really?”

“I have already learned that in your empire, women are just above being considered property. They have no right to own land, property, or business. They are also married off to the wealthiest suitor.” Nocturne said as she began to eat. “You have created inequality between the genders but expect women to act like men. How can they when they are constantly considered lesser? So, you made them lesser, and now you complain about the lesser ways they use to just survive in the world you created.” I could feel myself shrinking as she spoke in a calm and monotone voice. I realized she was right. I had unknowingly accepted the bias of my empire, even though I actively strive to not be a bigot.

“I apologize…” I said softly as I continued to eat.

“You do not need to apologize. I will punish you accordingly whenever I feel like I need an apology.” Nocturne looked at me. “Words mean nothing to me. It is your actions that will truly show if you are actually sorry.” I shivered under her cold gaze. I nodded at her and looked down at my tray of food. Nocturne was going to cause quite a stir in our empire. While I was worried about this creating a target on her back, I had a feeling that if anyone could change our empire for the better…it would be her. The rest of our stay at the castle was not as tense. Nocturne continued to force me to stay in bed and made sure I was eating all my meals. Even though she was overall a calm presence, every now and then I saw a peek of her true emotions. I realized she disliked the butler serving us but was kind to the maids and healers who periodically came into the room. Curiosity got the best of me, and I found myself asking her about it on our last night at the castle.

“I have a question.” I said to her as I laid in bed. She was sitting on the ceiling, reading one of the books Marvin had given me.

“What is it?” Nocturne asked without looking away from her book.

“Do you dislike the butler?”

“I do.”

“Why?” Nocturne sighed and put the book in her lap.

“He has continuously been trying to undermine any of the commands I give to the healers and maids. I overheard him tell a maid to “not mind that foolish woman”. He is lucky I am just rude to him and did not rip out his tongue.”

“Why did you choose not to rip out his tongue?”

“Out of respect for you.” She shrugged. “I doubt you would want me to cause a scene in the castle you are currently staying in.”

“Oh, thank you for being considerate. But honestly…that guy has always been a dick. I am sure the only reason he is being nice to me is because I was promoted to lord by the king. He probably wants me to leave him a gift for ‘caring’ for me.” I told her. Nocturne grinned widely at me. It was unsettling.

“Then I shall leave him a gift for you instead.” She beamed. I looked at her in full concern. “Do not worry. It will only hurt his mind…I will not leave any physical scars.” I shuddered at her dark tone. I truly felt bad for that butler, but only a little bit. He deserved whatever she did to him because, even though he was a butler, he treated everyone but the king as beneath him. I had more than one unpleasant experience with him. “You should rest, my little mage. We leave for our new estate in the morning.” Nocturne said in a soothing voice. I suddenly felt my eyelids grow heavy.

“No fair…using your magic…to make me…sleep…” I dozed off immediately.

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