Chapter 4

Well, what can I say? It is what it is. A life of vivid sexual fantasies and playing around has been my watchword for a while, and more surprises keep on popping up.

Turning around, I found myself facing three brothers, wondering why I was mated to all three of them at the same time.

I was given a small house, a beautiful one, and instructed to stay there for now. This was a positive development as I strived to uncover the secrets and mysteries of these creatures and understand how life worked in this part of the world.

My story was pretty simple, as it seemed. It was about a young college girl trapped in a world of werewolves and their kinds. It just so happened that I had gained the powers of a werewolf. This was a unique situation. While I still had my human side intact, I could easily switch back from being a mere human to a werewolf. I wished I could switch back home and forth that way as well.

“Joan, you are coming with me,” a voice said.

I looked outside the window, and it was Duke. I smiled. Duke could be very authoritative at times, but I was reassured that he did everything within his power to protect me. Duke was always looking out for my best interests, especially during the time when I acquired the powers of a werewolf.

“Just a minute,” I said and got myself ready.

I came out, and he smiled at my dress and complimented it, saying, “Nice dress you got there, Joan.”

“Thank you. Now, where are we going to?” I asked.

He just smirked and handed me a sword. I followed him, and the next thing I knew, we were facing a portal. He held firmly to my left wrist, smiled, and jumped into the portal with me. Surprisingly, I wasn’t scared at all; I felt relaxed and didn’t show any restraint.

“Where are we now?” I asked.

“Look around,” he said.

Turning around carefully and observing the environment with my werewolf senses, I could swear that this was no ordinary forest; it was an enchanted one.

“An enchanted forest?” I asked with a calm and mild tone.

“Look,” he said and pointed.

I looked carefully and saw a human village on the other side of the forest. I saw a human car heading towards us, and I tried to dodge it, but it passed through us as if the forest wasn’t even in existence!

“What is this?” I asked, in awe.

“The boundaries between the human and the werewolf communities,” he answered.

“Why are we here?” I asked, realizing the importance of this question.

“This forest is enchanted, and it prevents humans from entering the werewolf world. However, there are cases where the forest’s defense weakens, and humans pass through. Although such cases are rare, and humans typically die, there was a girl named Mera who crossed these boundaries once and ended up becoming one of the past Alphas, even without werewolf powers. It is my job to ensure that the magic surrounding the borders remains strong and to eliminate any potential threats on the borders,” he explained.

I wanted to know more about this Alpha Mera, but I figured out the reason why he brought me along with him.

“How do I help you keep the boundaries safe?” I asked.

“You are a smart one; I knew you’d catch up,” he said.

He showed me how he did it, explaining where the magic knots were tied and how to check if they were intact. It was strenuous work as we had to jump through many portals to check if the knots were tied. Additionally, we had to look out for werewolf traps set by human hunters.

“What are these?” I asked, noticing the numerous traps near the boundaries.

“Human werewolf hunters,” he answered.

“I’ve never heard of them, even when I was human,” I said, puzzled.

“Yes, they are a secret organization seeking to destroy werewolves. They can’t pass through the boundaries, but they keep setting traps in the hope of catching and killing werewolves,” he explained, his tone bitter. I could only imagine what he and his pack had gone through in the hands of these werewolf hunters.

“What do we do now?” I asked, ready to help in any way I could.

He unsheathed his sword and said, “Watch, I will teach you how to neutralize a hunter’s trap. This is very important information, and you will need it in the future.”

I nodded seriously, prepared to learn this new skill. He began uttering some strange words, and I paid close attention to each sound.

“La Ben ta GA, la Ben ta so! Sha ka ta ma sa, on colos!” He then struck the trap with the sword, and it immediately burst into flames.

I was amazed, and even before he asked, I pulled out my sword and repeated exactly what he did, “La Ben ta GA, la Ben ta so! Sha ka ta ma sa, on colos!” I struck the next trap, and it also burned away with fire.

“That was awesome,” he said, patting my back.

We spent the entire daylight hours neutralizing traps around the boundaries and ensuring the magic points were all secure. After that, it was time to return to my house.

“Nice work; we were able to cover one-tenth of the eastern boundary. Tomorrow, we continue, and by the end of the month, we should be done with this part of the eastern boundary,” he said.

I was shocked; I had thought we had covered the entire boundary, only to discover we had just worked on a small part of the eastern boundary.

The next thing I saw was another portal, and we jumped through it. As we walked towards the portal, I asked, “Tell me more about Alpha Mera, please.”

He smiled and said, “Alpha Mera Di Aloha was a brave and strong Alpha who shook the werewolf world during the Stone Ages. There’s not much to know about her.”

“She must have been a very brave and courageous person,” I said.

“You’re not wrong at all; she is indeed the epitome of bravery,” he said, and we both jumped into the portal.

After Duke dropped me back at my house, I took a bath and went to bed immediately, sleeping through the night without any dreams.

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